How to Configure helyOS Core as Backend

To set up helyOS as the backend for a yard automation application, the developer needs to perform the following tasks:

  1. Connect helyOS to a running rabbitMQ server.

  2. Access the helyOS dashboard.

  3. Register the frontend applications using the “Register App” tab on the dashboard.

  4. Define the yard within the “Yards” tab on the dashboard. A yard is the enclosed area that houses the autonomous agents, such as vehicles or robots.

  5. Register the agents (vehicles or robots) in the “Register Agents” dashboard tab.

  6. Specify the missions applicable to your application via the dashboard’s “Define Missions” menu. Examples of missions. “drive_from_a_to_b”, “seed_field”, etc.

  7. Register microservices in the “Microservices” view. They will be used to process the mission’s request data and produce assignment data, e.g. a trajectory path for the vehicle.

  8. Create “Mission Recipes”, that is, associate each mission to one or more of the registered microservices.

By using helyOS core as a backend, front-end developers can create the user interface (e.g. Graphana boards, web applications, etc.). They may use either helyOS JavaScript SDK (for web applications) or the GraphQL language (for any kind of application) to create missions and access all data from the yard and the automated vehicles.